Let us help you

We pride ourselves on a confidential & complete professional service. Your job & career are important to us. 


We aim to provide a consultative & objective service, giving job seekers a comprehensive overview of their specialist markets.

We guarantee a confidential service and adhere to the local privacy laws. Only when roles & companies have been discussed would we liaise with the employers.


As a point of professionalism, we also provide FULL details on what companies your CV is going to be sent to. This is to allow you to decide on who you want to work for & what locations you want to work in. This is a basic practice that should be followed by all agencies, saving time for both you & prospective companies & prevents any duplication of your details at companies already applied to or recently attended.


Follow up

After your CV has been sent, we will follow this up & keep you informed on any developments on your application.

Should you be selected for interview, we will provide you with every single piece of information that you require to maximise your chances, eliminate any nerves, & increase your chance of a successful offer of employment.


Working with you

We get to know you. What you want from your career is our focus.

Progressing Careers

Working with the right companies to progress your career.


With years of experience, we can negotiate a package and job you desire and deserve.


Feel your career needs help? ION has been there for 1000’s of people.